Using the Min and Max Functions in CSS3

Two of the new and incredibly tantalizing functions in CSS3 are min() and max(). They are yet another tool in our crawl toward responsive design, and harnessing their simple, but highly effective power is vital for every developer. Although none of the major browsers support either function at the time of this writing, they're expected to be implemented soon. This tutorial takes a look at their syntax and the ways in which they can be applied.

Introduction to CSS3 Media Queries

If you've ever been annoyed by the fact that your Web site or application looks great on one device, but terrible on another, CSS3 media queries are for you. With them you can target computers, tablets or smartphones based on very specific attributes like screen size, resolution, and more. Follow this introductory article with real-world examples and learn for yourself how to solve your cross-device issues.

Simple Table Zebra Striping with CSS3

Zebra Striping – the name given to having alternating background colors on every other row or column, is a very simple task with CSS3’s Nth Child Pseudo-classes. It wasn’t always so easy, especially if you did not (or could not) do it manually. Luckily we don’t have to worry about that, as we now have
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